Activities What we do
What we do?
The five fold ministry’s aim is to help plant and keep missionaries in the field known as the ‘Asian circle’.

First and most importantly is PRAYER support. Apart from God we can do nothing, so we believe in going humbly to the Father with our prayers an petitions to help carry out the Great Commission.

Secondly we offer TRAINING. This is the “making disciples” part of the Great Commission. This is practically carried out in the form of providing books and resources, also classes (in some cases we do the discipleship training) or online learning.

Thirdly we SEND trained missionaries to locations where they are strategically needed

Pastoral Care
Fourthly we provide pastoral care. Whether that is on the mission field, away at various retreat locations or most typically when missionaries come back home on furlough.

Project Funding
Finally we financially support special projects, bible distribution and pastoral training conferences/ and or opportunities (Project Funding).
What we do